Mastering TOEIC® Skills
Test Prep

Mastering TOEIC® Skills

248 pages / 210 * 278 mm
Student Book & Audio QR Code
The new TOEIC® study series from Seed Learning is a three-level series designed to assist students in achieving their TOEIC® goals. The series provides thorough test preparation and extensive practice of TOEIC®-style questions. This practical series is aimed at students at different stages of their TOEIC® preparation.
Building TOEIC® Skills is for students aiming at a score of between 450 and 550 points. (14 units)
Developing TOEIC® Skills is for students whose target score is between 650 and 750. (12 units)
Mastering TOEIC® Skills is aimed at students who are working toward a score of 850-990. (12 units)
Each unit provides information and strategies for question types commonly found on the TOEIC®. The book reflects recent changes to the format of the TOEIC®.
The language and materials presented in this series become progressively more challenging in order to meet the needs of students at different stages in their test study.